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SOCS Mission: To promote awareness of and excellence within skin of color dermatology through research, education, mentorship and advocacy. We are committed to increasing diversity and inclusion in the field of dermatology to advance patient care.

MENTORSHIP: We value mentorship as a leadership development tool to foster a diverse workforce at all levels, developing and empowering future leaders in the field.

Click a tab for more information:

We are thrilled to introduce a groundbreaking initiative led by SOCS President Victoria Barbosa, MD, MPH, MBA, FAAD, known as the SOCS Center for Leadership (CFL). The Center’s mission is to develop leaders who will drive the dermatology field forward with innovation, inclusivity, and excellence.

As Dr. Barbosa remarked in her stirring Presidential address at the 20th Scientific Symposium, “We need leaders in SOCS and leaders in other organizations. We have to be in the room where it happens in order to help our patients!”

With this in mind, we will offer comprehensive leadership education through a health equity lens. The innovative curriculum will include live and on-demand online programming, as well as a more structured cohort experience that blends webinars and online community with an immersive, in-person leadership development program that will be tailored to individual needs, interests and aspirations. We will officially launch the CFL’s leadership development program with a three-part webinar series covering the following topics, with all the pertinent details coming soon:

Wednesday, September 25, 7-8 pm CT: Masterclass in Social Media—Featuring SOCS leaders Drs. Corey L. Hartman and Suchismita (Tia) Paul, who will share their secrets for their strong success and high engagement on social media.

November 2024: My Path to Presidency—Featuring a globally recognized leader telling her leadership journey through several dermatology organizations.
February 2025: Amplifying Your Impact in Society Leadership Roles—Featuring seasoned leaders who have served various major dermatology organizations.

Watch for details about how you can become engaged in the CFL.

Let us know if you are interested in the SOCS Center for Leadership!


Mentorship Program

The Mentorship Program is a comprehensive program that connects young physicians and medical students with an approved skin of color expert from SOCS. The Mentorship Program is now open to medical students. Residents can serve as both a mentor (to medical students) AND as a mentee (matched with a practicing dermatologist).

Application Timeline

Open: Thursday, August 1, 2024
Close: Friday, November 1, by 12:00 PM CT


This program is reserved for Skin of Color Society members and pending members with a complete membership application. Apply for membership here. Non-members should submit a complete membership application by Thursday, October 31 to meet eligibility requirements.

Mentor-Mentee Pairing

Eligible applicants are paired with an approved mentor either by their preference or through allocation by the SOCS Mentorship Committee. Due to high demand for the program, not all mentee applications will be matched with a mentor. Group mentorship opportunities may become available during the program year for those who apply.

Mentor-Mentee Benefits

  • Build positive working relationships
  • Acquire and share new knowledge and skills in skin of color
  • Collaborate in research opportunities in skin of color
  • Enjoy networking opportunities with other skin of color experts
  • Share mentorship experience with the SOCS membership and dermatology community

Please review the eligibility criteria before submitting your applications.

Ready to take the next step? Here's how to get involved:

  • Ensure you're a member or in the process of becoming one of the Skin of Color Society (SOCS). You must have active membership or a pending application to be eligible.
  • Complete the Mentorship application form, including all necessary documents.

Who is eligible to be a Mentee?

Individuals who maintain active membership in SOCS with up-to-date dues payment.


Are either medical students, dermatology residents, or fellows/young dermatologists who have completed their residency within the last three years.

Who is eligible to be a Mentor?

Individuals who maintain active membership in SOCS with up-to-date dues payment.


Are either practicing dermatologists or dermatology residents.

Note: Residents have the opportunity to serve as both mentors (to medical students) and mentees (matched with practicing dermatologists).

2022 Mentorship Experiences


My participation in the Skin of Color Society mentorship program this past year was nothing short of amazing. From the many conversions with my mentor to the monthly mentoring sessions, this experience has had a positive impact on my journey to becoming a dermatologist.

My mentor is Dr. Lucas Anthony and I am so grateful for her mentorship. She lives in Florida and I attend medical school in Kansas City, Missouri so the majority of our interaction this past year was virtual. We typically check in on a monthly basis and I always leave our conversations feeling rejuvenated about my goals. I updated her on which clinical rotation I was on and she gave very good advice on how to maximize my rotations and be a better student. She also gave me a lot of encouragement and support during times of stress. As I approach the application season, we decided together that confidence is something I continuously need to work on in order to be successful. One of my favorite things about my mentor-mentee relationship with Dr. Lucas Anthony is her ability to provide me with reassurance. She always knows what to say to ease my anxiety. I was so happy to finally meet her in person a year later at the Skin of Color Symposium!

As I reflect on the past year, I am so grateful to have gotten a mentor through the Skin of Color Society. This mentorship experience has been monumental in my pursuit of dermatology. I really appreciated having a mentor that was very active and involved in our relationship. She never made me feel like I was “bothering” or “annoying” her; she genuinely wanted to help in any way she could. This mentorship was especially useful because she taught me strategies that were very helpful when researching residency programs and applying to away rotations. As I continue on this journey, I am confident that the connection I have with Dr. Lucas Anthony will continue to grow and blossom.

2021 Mentorship Experiences


As a student without a dermatology home program, I am so thankful to the Skin of Color Society’s Mentorship program and to Dr. Pierre. Dr Pierre is the first mentor in Dermatology I have had and has provided me with invaluable guidance and direction. He is a goal-oriented mentor and I always look forward to our check-in sessions. Any question or concern regarding my plans or endeavors, I have an objective, knowledgeable ear. We discuss strategy, residency, resilience, and the makings of a patient-centered dermatologist. I hope that one day I can meet him in person and thank him again for everything he has done for me.

Chrislene Olukoga 
2021 SOCS Mentorship Program Summary


Observership Grant

The SOCS Observership Grant awards up to $2,000 USD grants to dermatology residents, medical students (2nd-4th year), and junior faculty to enable study with a SOCS mentor identified by the applicant. Grants are intended for travel, room and board as needed to establish and facilitate the mentoring relationship. 


  • To empower young physicians and scientists to develop additional academic or research skills, thereby advancing their careers as future leaders in the field of dermatology specializing in skin of color.
  • Facilitate skill development and knowledge transfer between the mentor and mentee.
  • Provide a travel stipend to support a 1-4 week rotation.

Application Timeline

Open: Thursday, August 1, 2024
Close: Friday, November 1, by 12:00 PM CT


This program is reserved for Skin of Color Society members and pending members with a complete membership application. Apply for membership here. Non-members should submit a complete membership application by Thursday, October 31 to meet eligibility requirements.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Individuals who maintain active membership in SOCS with up-to-date dues payment.

  • Are either dermatology fellows, young dermatologists who have completed their residency within the last 4 years, or 2nd-4th year medical students.

  • Applicants must disclose if they are already participating in a paid research fellowship at a specified location. Failure to disclose may impact application acceptance.

  • Applicants must demonstrate that the rotation they are applying for is unique to their existing research year. These cases will be reviewed by the Mentorship Committee on an individual basis.

  • Applicants must identify their observership mentor and location in the application form.

  • Returning Applicants: Each student is eligible to receive one grant within a four-year period.

Application Requirements

  • Completed application form

  • Budget outlining travel, lodging, food, and other expenses to be incurred (up to a maximum of $2,000USD)

  • Statement of purpose and connection to SOC dermatology (up to 1 page)

  • Curriculum vitae

  • Two letters of recommendation

    • A letter from the proposed mentor to include a statement of willingness to provide the time necessary for this mentorship, any significant and pertinent details of the planned mentorship, and a specific mention of whether the time frame and budget are appropriate for the proposed mentorship. Mentor must be a member of SOCS.

    • A letter from the residency program director, department chair or a faculty member attesting to the applicant’s character and potential to benefit from the mentorship.

  • Disclosure if currently participating in a research year or fellowship at the specified observership location. Failure to disclose may impact application acceptance.

Accepted applications:

  • Confirmation, including rotation dates, from both the student and the mentor is required for the disbursement of funds. Failure to disclose may impact application acceptance.

Participation in the program involves:

  • Providing a 6-month update to the SOCS Mentorship Committee upon request regarding the status of the observership.

  • Completing a short survey after the observership.

  • Submitting a one-page summary of the experience written by the mentee, accompanied by a photograph of the mentee and mentor together.

  • Observership must be completed between March of the year the grant is received and February of the following year.

This program is being supported by:


Mentee - Grant Awardee


Mentor - Observership Host

  Mentor Institution

Luis Andrade, BSc

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Rebecca Vasquez, MD

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

Emmanuella Asabor, MPhill

Yale University

Sotonye Imadojemu, MD, MBE

Harvard Medical School

Isaac Li-Chi Chen, MD, MPH

Lahey Hospital and Medical Center; Massachusetts General hospital

Crystal Aguh, MD

Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Michaela Crawford, BS

Meharry Medical College

Andrew Alexis, MD, MPH, FAAD

Weill Cornell Medicine

Laura Bou Delgado, BA

Universidad Central del Caribe

Junko Takeshita, MD, PhD, MSCE

University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine

Aliyah King, BA

University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine

Monica Li, MD

University of British Columbia Department of Dermatology and Skin Science

Oluwadamilola Oke, BS

Tufts University School of Medicine / Brigham and Women's Hospital

Andrew Alexis, MD, MPH

Weill Cornell Medicine

Jiwon Park, BA

Long School of Medicine

Emma Guttman-Yassky, MD, PhD

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Josephine Pyles, BS

Indiana University School of Medicine

Amy McMichael, MD

Wake Forest School of Medicine

Dominique Revan, BS

University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

Heather Woolery-Lloyd, MD

University of Miami Department of Dermatology

Sach Thakker, BS

Georgetown University School of Medicine

Jun Kang, MD

The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

2024 Observership Experiences


2023 Observership Experiences


2022 Observership Experiences


Diversity in Clinical Research Mentoring Program

The Skin of Color Society, in conjunction with the NMA Dermatology Section, is proud to present the Diversity in Clinical Research (DiCR) Mentorship Program. This mentorship program is intended to:

  • Develop the skills of the dermatology investigators of tomorrow
  • Offer support to the underrepresented minority (URM) investigators
  • Propel the career development of mentee
  • Provide an experience that mirrors conducting industry-sponsored research
  • Acquire the knowledge needed to run a successful and high-quality research program

We believe a diverse research workforce is essential, as it builds trust for clinical research in underserved populations.

DiCR Mentorship Program Overview

The DiCR Mentorship program will select 7-10 board-certified dermatologists (mentees) from racial/ethnic groups underrepresented in medicine with little or no clinical trials experience. They will receive a didactic online course (Phase I) an in-person 8 hour training (Phase II), and longitudinal mentorship experience (Phase III) .

Mentees will be required to successfully complete Phase I of the program in order to move onto subsequent phases.

Phase I: Online Course (NMA Dermatology Section): April 6 - July 20, 2024

Mentees will participate in an 8-part online course (Foundations & Principles of Clinical Trials). These 2-hour sessions will run every Saturday from April 6th through July 20th.

Topics include:

  • Introduction Basic Clinical Research
  • Drug Development Process
  • FDA Code of Federal Regulations
  • International Council of Harmonization: Good Clinical Practices
  • Institutional Review Board/Independent Ethics Committee
  • Investigational New Drug Safety Reporting
  • Implementing Protocols and working with Clinical Research Associates
  • Dermatology Protocol Review

Phase II: In-Person Training/Meet Your Mentor: Friday, August 2, 2024 | New York, NY

After successful completion of Phase I course work, mentees will attend an 8-hour in-person training on August 2nd at the New York Hilton Midtown & Sheraton in New York, NY.

Travel stipend: SOCS will provide a travel stipend to cover airfare and 2 nights hotel accommodation, provided selected mentees submit their travel expenses. Mentees will be responsible for booking their own airfare and hotel for the in-person training.

Phase III: Longitudinal Mentorship (Skin of Color Society): August - December 2025

Mentees will have the option to continue professional development through longitudinal mentorship until December 2025.

Mentors and mentees will have access to a 12-week curriculum as a reference guide/tool-kit.

Topics include:

  • Clinical Research Site Terminology and Basic Research Site Concepts
  • Finding Studies/Sponsor-Clinical Research Organizations (CRO)
  • Confidentiality Disclosure Agreement/Feasibility Questionnaire/Protocol Synopsis
  • Pre Study Site Selection Visit/ First Interaction with Study Monitor
  • Study Start Up Procedures, Clinical Trial Agreement/Study Budget
  • Site Initiation Visits (SIV)
  • Protocol Implementation and Execution at the Clinical Research Site
  • Study Vendor Details and Subject Recruitment
  • How to work with Study Monitor/ First Interim Monitoring Visit
  • Study Maintenance
  • Close Out Visits
  • Audits

Call for Applications

The Skin of Color Society, in conjunction with the NMA Dermatology Section, is seeking board-certified dermatologists (mentees) from racial/ethnic groups underrepresented in medicine with little or no clinical trials experience to participate in the DiCR Mentorship program.

Mentee Eligibility Criteria:

  • Participants must be existing members of NMA Derm Section or SOCS (in-progress applications will be considered)
  • Has limited clinical trials experience (<2-3 trials completed)
  • Must be interested in establishing or expanding their clinical research program
  • Must have completed GCP/CITI or equivalent training
  • Can have previous experience with NMA/NMF/other Clinical Research Certification program
  • Must be a board-certified or board-eligible dermatologist

Application Deadline:

Submit your mentee application by February 13, 2024.


Please email the National Medical Association Dermatology Section (NMA Derm) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions regarding Phase I or the application process of the DiCR program.

Please reach out to the Skin of Color Society (SOCS) via phone at +1- 630-578-399 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions regarding Phase II or III of the DiCR program.

A Future With Diversity Starts Now

Cheri Frey, MD, FAAD
​Dermatology Section
National Medical Association


Jenna Lester, MD, FAAD
Diversity in Clinical Research Mentorship Task Force
Skin of Color Society

Tarannum Jaleel, MD, MHSc
Diversity in Clinical Research Mentorship Task Force Co-Chair
Skin of Color Society

Porcia B. Love MD, FAAD
Diversity in Clinical Research Mentorship Task Force
National Medical Association

We graciously acknowledge the support from Janssen/Johnson & Johnson and Bristol Myers Squibb for supporting this program.