2022 Reflections
- Two manuscripts submitted for publication in two high impact peer-reviewed dermatology journals.
- Expansion of the task force’s focus to address language and classification of terms to be used in clinical trials.
- Creation of a working group to develop a comprehensive, evidence-based review focusing on the use and misuse of the current scales used to measure skin tone.
- Coverage in Dermatology Times.

18th Annual SOCS Scientific Symposium
8 Resident Travel Grants were awarded to SOCS Resident Members to attend the Meeting the Challenge Summit.
Career Development Award of $100,000 was awarded to Shawn Kwatra, MD, FAAD for “Racial Differences in Germline and Somatic Mutations in Prurigo Nodularis.”
3 SOCS Research Awards of $15,000 each were awarded to:
- Jillian Richmond, PhD, Examining Gene and Protein Expression in Clinically Diverse Mycosis Fungoides Samples From Skin of Color Patients;
- Shawn Shih, MD, The Utility of Topical Oxymetazoline in Preventing Post-filler Ecchymosis in Skin of Color Patients: A Randomized, Double-blind, Split-Face Study;
- Nkemjika Ugonabo, MD, MPH, Combination Topical Cysteamine and Fractional 1927nm Low-Powered Diode Laser Resurfacing vs. Topical Cysteamine Alone in the Treatment of Melasma: A Prospective, Split-Face Cohort Study.
We celebrate all that has brought us here and look forward with great anticipation to the road ahead!
2021 Reflections

A phenomenal year of growth & innovation
- 1200 SOCS Members in 35 Countries
- Record # of submitted abstracts-SOCS Annual Scientific Symposium
- 14 SOCS New Fellowship Grants

- SOCS launched DEEP: A groundbreaking learning management system allowing members to learn straight from the experts at your own pace and earn CME credit through dermatology educational webinars and practice management content.

Skin of Color Society Awards Programs Thrive!
- 25 SOCS Mentorship Awards
- 9 SOCS Observership Awards
- 3 SOCS Research Grant Awards
- 1 Career Development Award
- Four highly informative sessions were presented by the SOCS expert teams as follows:
- Health Disparities, presented by Drs. Susan C. Taylor, Rebecca Vasquez, Valerie Harvey and Nada Elbuluk
- Hair Disorders, presented by Drs. Crystal Aguh and Candrice Heath.
- Pigmentary Disorders, presented by Drs. Seemal R. Desai and Janiene Luke
- External Signs of Internal Disease, presented by Drs. Angel Byrd and Neelam Vashi
SOCS virtually presented well-attended Networking & Educational Symposia + Webinars
- SOCS leadership embarked on a comprehensive 5-year strategic planning process, which is nearing completion and will be shared publicly in early 2022.
- We are grateful for a record level of industry support in 2021.