Open Call for Applications for SOCS Scientific Symposium, Abstracts, Mentorship Programs, and Research Awards
The Skin of Color Society is now accepting applications for our 2024-2025 program year!
Current membership is required for all programs. Please review the guidelines and eligibility requirements for each program for more details.
Call for Abstracts
Application Deadline: Oct. 2, 2023

Abstract submissions for oral and poster presentations are now open!
20th Annual Skin of Color Society Scientific Symposium is taking place on Thursday, March 7, 2024 in San Diego, CA in conjunction with the 2024 AAD Annual Meeting.
Please review the eligibility criteria and submission guidelines before submitting your abstract.
Mentorship Program
Application Deadline: Nov. 1, 2023
The Mentorship Program is a comprehensive program that connects young physicians and medical students with an approved SOCS mentor. Mentoring will be provided for up to one year starting in March.
Applicants may identify an approved mentor with whom they would like to connect, or an approved mentor can be allocated by SOCS. Due to high interest in the program, SOCS may not be able to match every mentee applicant with a mentor.

Observership Grant
Application Deadline: Nov. 1, 2023
Grants are awarded up to $2,000 for a 1-4 week rotation to enable young physicians and scientists to acquire additional academic or research skills that will further their careers as leaders in skin of color dermatology with a SOCS mentor.
Grants are intended for travel, room and board as needed to establish and facilitate the mentoring relationship. Applicants must identify their observership mentor and location in the application form.
Mentor-Mentee Benefits
Call for Mentors
Application Deadline: Feb. 1, 2024
Interested in Becoming a SOCS Mentor?
Please complete the Mentor Interest form to join our 2024-2025 mentor list.
Dermatology Research and Career Development Awards

Dermatology Research Award
Application Deadline: Sept. 30, 2023
The SOCS Dermatology Research Award will provide up to three annual research grants (each up to $20,000) to promote dermatology research within the field of skin of color. The grant is intended to assist young dermatologists in furthering their academic careers. At least one of the awards will be given to those applications that focus on inflammatory dermatologic diseases in skin of color.
Career Development Awards
Application Deadline: Sept. 30, 2023
The SOCS Career Development Award will award up to $100,000 which can be used over a two-year period and which is non-renewable; one award is available this year. This award should have a research focus on inflammatory dermatologic diseases in skin of color in areas where further clinical, translational, and basic research is needed. It is the expectation that the recipient of this award will be tomorrow’s leaders in dermatology, helping to shape the future of the specialty.